You gotta look ugly before you look pretty, that's what my mom says. Truth is I rolled in something that smelled like um, um, um...shit and I needed a bath, PRONTO!
I know it doesn't look like I am enjoying being in a stroller but the truth is..... I LOVE IT! It's only happened once but it was super fun! If this could happen everyday I would be quite pleased since I really don't enjoy my getting my paws wet or dirty.
It was my mom's birthday and my mom's talented and amazingly creative friend KATHRYN made a cake that looked just like me! Cute, right? Then her and her friends stuck a knife into it and ate it's legs and ears. I have to say, I was kind of offended. Thanks, guys.
I probably did end up eating this whole biscuit bone thing because every so often I totally pig out and you know what? I don't need to apologize to anyone for enjoying myself. Okay? Now hush.
Dear Anyone, Sometimes life is so confusing and complicated and I need a little help answering hard questions. So please let me know, do these bows look stupid? I just can't tell anymore. Thanks.